Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Potomac Craftsmen

Yesterday, Janet and I went to the Baltimore Weavers Guild show. It was impressive. The guild has around 160 members. There were 62 exhibits and the standard was generally high. The theme was Idioms and some were a stretch while others were quite apt.
Cut it Out
Hanging by a Thread
In the afternoon, on the way back to Silver Spring from dropping off the car in Alexandria, Jo and I went to the National Art Gallery. The East Wing is closed to renovations which made the WestWing crowded (the downpour didn't help, either.) We saw an exhibition of Andrew Wyeth's watercolours of windows, wind and walls. It was marvellous. Across the courtyard was a Degas/Cassat show that paled into uninterestingness.
Today Janet, Renata and I went to the summer breakup meeting of PC which is now called the Potomac Fibre Arts Guild because they have lots of quilters, fellers, etc, etc. They usually have a study group round-up but because it snowed on meeting day in January, the speaker who had been scheduled then talked to us today instead. She is a collage artist and teacher. She talked about the history of collage which started with Picasso and Braque. So, not only did I get to catch up with old members, I had a modern art lecture as well. It was brilliant.
Ruth, Jeanne and Janet
Floris and Lana

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