Monday, 5 August 2013

Skiing 2013

We are just back from a week at Cosela Lodge at Falls Creek. This is my lodge and the decision was made very early that there were to be no pets and no TV. This has been updated to "no internet." Most folk have 4G or whatever on their iPhones or laptops so there is a lot of sitting around consulting devices but, I don't have that. I am too mean to pay for it. So these travels have a late report.
The trip there and back was uneventful. The only town you drive through on the way to Albury is Holbrook. And that bypass should be finished soon. So it only takes 8 hours from Avalon to Mt Beauty. We caught the bus up the hill so that Charlotte could rest in the secure car park during the week. Her wheels are too slender to be trusted in snow and ice even with chains on (if chains are made that thin.)
Wattle was in bloom all the way down from Syndey which is strange because the trees in my yard aren't out yet.

The weather was foggy when we got there so the first day was recovery from getting there. The next three days were fine and sunny which made for icy skiing in the morning followed by slush in the afternoon. The last three days were fog, snow, ice, rain and zero visibility. That is, typical Falls Creek weather. We had about 20cm of snow which should set them up well for the rest of the season.
Cosela Lodge
Lounge room
I took lots of shots on the way down the hill in the bus to use as alternative screen savers to the one that I took a couple of work parties ago.
screen saver shot
While we were away the grass tree started to grow a flower spike. I will take a photo each day until we leave for Korea so that I can practice blogging on the iPad.
blackboy in bloom

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