Today we did the boat trip down the Duoro so that Fiona could take a hundred photos of the bridges. They are certainly stunning. One was built by Eiffel´s company. Another has trains going across the top and cars and people across the bottom of an arch.
The photo also shows the boats that used to be used to transport the port wine from further up the river where it is grown to the port caves. (They are decorative only nowdays.)

After that we visited a port company and saw the humungous barrels that some port is stored in. All very complicated but they say the reason port is sweet is because they only ferment it for one to three days so the grape sugar is left. I never tasted a grape as sweet as the white port they gave us to sample. Jo has almost decided that the bottle given to him to celebrate the birth of his first son should be drunk soon-ish.

Visited the cathedral which is splendidly baroque. After photographing Jo walking up to it, I turned around and snapped the market below it.
Porto was certainly behaving beautifully for you! Shame Kimi was sick, and I think Sally is too! Bom Viagem!xxmarg