Looms of SE asia
Advanced Inkle Weaving Techniques
Weaving fringes found in early American Coverlets
Lituanian weaving
Designing multishaft crackle
Designing, weaving and wearing tartan
I don't take photos in seminars because I try to concentrate on listening and taking notes. But I couldn't resist a photo of this neat fringe.
I helped Janet Stollnitz display those hand wovens that were not suitable for the stage like scarves and table napery. It was hard to keep weavers from handling the exhibited works. But guarding the exhibits kept me away from the silent auction going on at the other end of the hall.
It was lovely to spend time with my Waterford Weaver mates, Liz, Melissa and Linda. Jo enjoyed them too.
The seminars were held at the 4H centre = head, heart, hands and health.
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