We had lunch with Janice in a very overcrowded restaurant, Founding Farmers. Cute name and self conscious food. Janice lives half the bear at Main Beach on the Gold Coast but we usually only get to see her in DC. She reported a very sore tummy overnight and blamed the mushrooms.
After lunch we visited the National Art Gallery. Last time we were there the East Wing was mostly closed for extensions which have now been finished. They are impressive. The lift is an irregular hexagon. . . why not! One the top floor the gallery ceiling must be 20 feet high. It is a perfect place for their Rothkos. They were bequested a thousand Rothko paintings and will cycle them through his "room". Which is next door to the Barnett Newman room. (Lines of black paint on raw canvas 10 feet square).
rusty paintings in the 1950s by Mimmo Rotello, detail
We had dinner with Caroline and Richard whosaid that their cats needed us to stay with them . . next time. We chose a Syrian restaurant from the page-long list of places within a mile of the Bethesda Metro station. Richard had trouble reading the list and only realised in the restaurant that he had lost a lens from his reading glasses. The only difference from a Lebanese restaurant was the delicious lentil and rice mezze (we reordered it).
We hopped back into the car and the battery was flat. So Caro walked us back to the Metro while the AAA man came. They got home at 11pm.
I schlepped out to Rockville to G Street Fabrics which used to be ourfavourite place (next to Price Club). It is nothing like what it was. So disappointing. There was only one pure cotton jersey that came in pink, orange or dark red. I got some pink that I will dye.
But the Renwich Museum was good
Glass spinning wheel, Andy Paiko
I found an truck that sells Ethopian food at lunchtime.
We have moved to be near the airport for our early flight tomorrow.
We are both coughing and blowing our noses so it was a cold I got, not allergies. I am getting better, Jo is feeling worse.